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Westerlins Maskinfabrik AB
Westerlins Maskinfabrik AB
Under 2022 så sponsrar vi Team Rynkeby som samlar in pengar till Barncancerfonden (allt vi sponsrar går oavkortat till BCF)

A manufacturing company of machines for the paint and chemical

A sales and service company for dispensing systems, bead mills

Westerlins Maskinfabrik AB was established 1925 and is the leading supplier of mixing and dissolving equipment for the Scandinavian paint- and chemical industries.
We are active worldwide. Our business vision is to develop, manufacture and marketing equipment. We optimize our customers mixing and dissolving investments in the paint- and chemical industries. Our machines and complete manufacturing plants have been successfully introduced mainly in the Middle East, Far East, in the USA and Europe. Many machines for the paint industries are tailor-made, based on the client´s local philosophy and conditions. We have mainly selected interior pictures from different paint industries.